
September 23rd - October 22nd

Libra people tend to need balance in their lives, so the symbol of the scales particularly appropriate for this sign. Libra signs need to keep a balance between work and home lives and an equal balance in their emotional and spiritual lives. Because of this, Libra signs can sometimes seem indecisive. This is because they must consider all of their options. However, when a Libra makes up their mind the decision is likely the best for all involved. This sign does not like to see people unhappy.

Harmony and peace are what makes this sign happy. This sign is often charming and people like to be around them. The only time that they will become unhappy is when they think they have been treated unfairly. This sign should embrace some form of meditation as it allows them to find that internal balance. Most Libra enjoy physical exercise and many run marathons.


cooperative, diplomatic, gracious, fair-minded, social


indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, self-pity


pink - airy pink helps to open Libra's heart and soften its presence

Next Sign : Scorpio
Previous Sign : Virgo