
January 20th - Febuary 18th

The man who carries a pitcher of water is the symbol for this sign because Aquarians are often generous with their time and resources. For this reason this sign often works in occupations where they are helping others. They are have a deep concern for the welfare of others. They are generally loved by all around them and get along with everyone. Aquarians will go out of their way to meet with old friends as connection is important to this sign.

Fascinated by technology, many Aquarians enjoy tinkering with inventions. Aquarius people are often not very emotional on the surface, because they are more concerned with exchanging of ideas with people. Aquarians have a great deal of patience and tolerance for others. They make excellent teachers, though do not become personally involved with their students.


progressive, original, independent, humanitarian


runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof


blue - calming blue helps encourage brilliant ideas and balance its restless energy

Next Sign : Pisces
Previous Sign : Capricorn