
July 23rd - August 22nd

The lion is the symbol for this sign because the lion embodies the characteristics, proud, regal, relaxed, and a good leader. Leo signs know they are in charge, even when it may seem so outwardly. Leo signs tend to like relaxing somewhere warm and comfortable. They dislike things that are too complicated, involved, or boring. They are natural leaders and don’t do well in situations where they have to take orders from others.

To love and be loved is a driving motivation for this sign. Leos, not unlike the lion of a pride, need to be loved. If they are ignored or go unrecognized for their contribution they will feel hurt. Fire signs, like Leo, are warm, bright individuals that draw people to them. When a leo feels good, those around this sign will feel as loved and appreciated as the leo does.


creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous


arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible


gold - glistening gold empowers Leo's warm heart and strengthens its positive spirit

Next Sign : Virgo
Previous Sign : Cancer