
December 22nd - January 19th

The mountain goat is the symbol for this sign because of the characteristic of the goat to climb higher and higher. Capricorn signs are goal oriented and driven to succeed despite all odds. They will work long and hard hours toward a goal. Self-disciplined and successful, it is no wonder that some of the world’s greatest scientists, leaders, and teachers have been Capricorn.

Achievement is everything to a Capricorn so they tend to take life very seriously and are not tolerant of those who do not. They are also very good at engaging in mental parrying at a high level. They are natural leaders, politicians, mathematicians, and diplomats. Capricorn signs tend to guard their hearts closely. To get close to a Capricorn may take some time but it is well worth it.


responsible, disciplined, self-control, good managers


know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst


earthy brown - helps Capricorn find the strongest and most practical path

Next Sign : Aquarius
Previous Sign : Sagittarius